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Once a visitor from your site clicks on a tracking link to our site and completes an order, you will be credited for that sale. We will issue you a check once a month for the total amount of commissions earned the previous cycle. We have tracking and statisitics for you to see the progress of the program. ITS THAT EASY! Start earning extra income today! |
- Fill out the Affiliate Application.
- After you apply, you will receive an email with your Affiliate Log On information (user name & password). Log on by clicking on the link in the top right. Enter user name & password. Once logged in, download (or copy) your choice of the following advertising and place on your site.
- Banner Ads (Multiple sizes and colors; GIF, JPG & SWF)
- Mini Web Pages (Graphic and Text Description in HMTL)
- Text Links
- Click here to see the available banners.
 - Receive 5% commission (of gross total) for every completed order you refer.